The Implementation of Teaching English in Conseling Department at University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri Academic Year 2015/2016

Author (Penulis)

Dyah Ayu Ari Purwanti
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT English is a subject that must be programmed by university students. The purpose is to support students’ need to learn the sources in English including Conseling Department. This research is aimed to describe the content of students’ handbook for Conseling Department and to describe how English lecturer write the students’ handbook to be suitable with learning goal of the Conseling Department at University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri in academic year 2015-2016. This research used qualitative research in analysing the data and the type of the research is content analysis. The instrument of this research were documentation and interview. Documentation was taken from students’ handbook and lesson plan from the lecturer while the interview was obtained from the lecturer who wrote the students’ handbook. The content of student handbook are about expressions and introducing expression, describe about family, read the biography, an article about human character, and arrange short paper. Before the lecturer created the lesson plan, he consulted with the chief man of Counseling Department to reach the learning goal, and to support students’ understanding or students’ competence about Guidance and Counseling and English. Learning process need a supplement of material it use to make the learning goal more effective and efficient for every chapters is develop for the first step for English profession lecturer for the first time in the Conseling Department, there was reference from the previous English profession lecturer in Conseling Department to learn and develop, then it appropriate with needs analysis and make coordination with the chief man of Conseling Department. In conclusion, this research found that the content of student handbook in Conseling Department had been apropriate with the learning goal of the deparment and the way how the lecturer desgning the teaching material had followed the principle of developing material in teaching English. Key words: English Specific Purposes, Teaching Material











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