The effect of Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) Strategy to students\' reading comprehension at MA Sejahtera Pare in academic year 2018/2019

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


Reading is a way of learning for students to enrich their ability and knowledge. With reading the reader can get information and knowledge, because reading is the process of deriving meaning from text. It has a deriving process that makes the reader easy to get writers’ idea. Students should
understand the information when they read, so that, they can be successful in reading. Listen Read Discuss strategy is a strategy that can help the students more effective in reading process, because it is a strategy that makes the students enjoy learning. This research was conducted based on some problems and answer to the questions; those are (1) to find out the students’ reading comprehension before being taught using Listen Read Discus Strategy. (2) to find out the students’ reading comprehension after being taught using listen read discuss strategy. (3) to find out the effect of listen read discuss strategy on students’ reading comprehension. This research used Experimental design, quantitative data and the research was conducted in MA Sejahtera Pare especially X1 IPS Class. The participant was 35 students the pre-test mean was (2332) and post-test mean was (2952). Post-test score was higher than pre-test score so students’ reading comprehension ability improved after being taught using LRD strategy. It is proven by the result of t-score (84,3429) which is higher than t-table in the level of significance of 5% (2,042) and value t-test is lower than the level of significance of 5% (0,000<0,05). It means that there is an effect of LRD to students’ reading comprehension. It can be concluded that listen read discuss was effective in increasing students reading comprehension

KEYWORDS: Listen-Read-Discuss Strategy, Reading Comprehension.





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Vol. 03 No. 04 Tahun 2019

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