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Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. That is a chance for English teacher to create good condition in teaching and learning process in the class. It aims to make the students comfort and interesting with that lesson. The way to create is called classroom management. The classroom management is the way used by the tutor to create an effective learning environment for students.This research aimed to find out classroom management used by the tutor of MR.BOB English Course in teaching English at the speaking class period 10th October up to 23rd October 2018. This study tried to find the classroom management strategies used by MR. BOB English Course tutor, the classroom management problems faced by MR. BOB English Course tutor, and the way used by MR. BOB English Course tutor to overcome the classroom management problems. This study used qualitative research design with case study approach. The instruments used were participant as observer observation and structured interview. The, the subject of this research was a tutor of MR. BOB English Course who taught in Speaking class. The result of this study showed that the tutor could apply classroom management well during teaching and learning process. The tutor applied four classroom management strategies; classroom organizing, teaching management, teacher-students relationship, and tutor’s consequences. In another hand, the tutor faced some problems in managing class, those were; students’ misbehavior, difficulty to get the students to speak English in the class, name remembering. The tutor also applied some ways to overcome those problems. To overcome students’ misbehavior problem, she used direct verbal invertation and punishment. To overcome difficulty to get students to speak English, the tutor reminded them and gave stimulation. To overcome the name remembering problem, the tutor interviewed the student and checked students’ attendance list at the beginning in every meeting. Based on the result of the research, the researcher   the researcher suggests to MR. BOB English Course to provide to provide instructional media especially book. To the tutor, the tutor can make rules and procedures poster that can be hang on the wall. In offering the reward, the tutor can give book as a reward so that the rewards are more various and useful, besides the tutor can write some classroom language in paper and then hang it on the wall. It will help the students to remember and use classroom language.




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Vol. 03 No. 01 Tahun 2019

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