The Effect of Flipped Classroom to Eleventh Grade Students\' Listening Comprehension at Senior High School SMA Negeri 6 Kediri in the Academic Year 2017/ 2018

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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EFL learners should acquiring four English skills which one of them is listening, a receptive activities that listeners must interpret what speaker says to make sense the communication. Not only interpreting but also constructing meaning what they heard (listening comprehension) is one of listening activities that makes students get low score, main reasons of this because students can not recognize retain chunks, distinctive sounds, detect given information and generalization while teaching learning process is conducted: less of concentration and time limit could put them down. Flipped classroom such an approach combining teaching learning process with technology could be considered to help students face their difficulties. This research’s aim, to find out whether any effect of flipped classroom to students’ listening comprehension. The study found out that the post-test result is higher than the pre-test it also supported by the result of SPSS analysis that pre – post is -9.313 and t-test is lower than t-table (-6.150 < 2.048) significant 5%. It proved that flipped classroom affect the eleventh grade students’ listening comprehension at senior high school SMA Negeri 6 Kediri in the academic year 2017/ 2018.




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Vol. 02 No. 10 Tahun 2018

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