Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Speaking is the one of oral skill in English material, and English is become an international language that made all people in education or in work place have to learn about English. Speaking skill will be good when we used in daily activities or routines, there are routines for beginnings and endings of conversations, for leading into topics, and for moving away from one topic to another, it is difficult to imagine how life could be lived without some routines. And the result, the teacher had a good method and did well to teach. There is several problem or question in this research. How is the teaching speaking in SMPN 1 Badas in the academic year 2017/2018? The research design is qualitative research in which the researcher is the key instrument. It describes the teacher’s method and how the teacher application the teaching speaking in the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Badas. The subject of this research is one of teachers at seventh grade. The techniques of collecting data in this research through interview, observation checklist, and documentation. The result of this research shows that the teaching process applied by the teacher preparation, while teaching or learning process, and assessment to the student. In preparation included by the teacher plan based on the sylabus or prepared what media that the teacher used. In learning process included three phase or step to organize the activities in the classroom, and in the assessment included what the teacher used to give scores to the students after practice the activity also the worksheet that the teacher gave to the student too. From the result, the researcher concluded that the application of teaching speaking was well and efective to improve the student speaking ability.




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Vol. 02 No. 12 Tahun 2018

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