Teaching Speaking Using Flipped Classroom to Second Grade Students of English Department at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University Academic Year 2017-2018

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)




Speaking is one of productive skills that must be learned by students. It is regarded as the most important skill of communication in a foreign language teaching. However, it is not easy for the students to master the skill. The researcher found some problems in teaching speaking, such as; the using of un-interactive teaching model, students’ lack of background knowledge because of still lacking some aspects of speaking including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, students’ less motivation and limited time for practice. Therefore, English teacher should find a way to help the students solve the problems. One of the ways is using Flipped Classroom model. In this model, the technology sources become the replacement of the teacher’s explanation in the class, because the students will listen, watch or read the material from the teacher in form of video outside the classroom. While in the class, the time can be maximized to do discussion and practice their speaking.

This research tries to answer the following questions: How are the results of each aspect of speaking after being taught using flipped classroom to second grade students of English department at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University academic year 2017/2018?. How effective is using flipped classroom to teach speaking to second grade students of English department at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University academic year 2017/2018?

The research was conducted at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. It uses quantitative method especially uses pre-experimental design, the design of pre-experimental is one-shot case study. The sample is 2A class which consists of 22 students.

The result of the research shows that there was 74 score found the means of the score was 67.27 for comprehension, the second, frequent score was 70 found the means of the score was 63.6 for pronunciation, the third, 66 score found the means of the score was 60 for vocabulary, the fourth, there were two same frequent score that was 64 that found the means of the score was 58.18 for grammar and 56.36 for fluency. The means of total score is 50.55.

In conclusion, the result of each aspects of speaking is comprehension got higher score than other aspects that is 67.27. Based on the classification of the score after accumulating the means of total score shows that 60.55 is effective enough. It can be concluded that teaching speaking after being taught using Flipped Classroom is effective enough, students’ speaking skill is improve especially for comprehension, students can speak English confidently and become active in discussion.


KEY WORD: Speaking, Teaching Speaking, Flipped Classroom




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Vol. 02 No. 05 Tahun 2018

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