The effect of using KWL strategy to reading comprehension at the tenth grade students of sma mardi utomo in the academic year 2018/2019

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)



Teaching reading comprehension is a process of construction meaning from the writer idea. In conducting this research the researcher tries to use KWL strategy to reading comprehension. The purpose of the research is finding how reading comprehension ability before and after being taught using KWL strategy at the tenth grade students of SMA Mardi utomo in Academic 2018/2019.

The research used quantitative approach and experimental with one group pre-test and post –test. The sample of the research was the tenth grade students of SMA Mardi Utomo that consist 17 students. The researcher finished the research by giving pre-test, treatment, and post-test in three meeting. The treatment was conducted once in order to know whether there is any significant effect of using KWL strategy to teaching reading comprehension. To analyzing the data, the researcher used t-test.

The result of this research showed that KWL strategy has the significant effect to reading comprehension. The t-test score 6,889, the degree of freedom 16, t-table 2,120 at the level significance 5%, and 2,921 at the level significance 1%. It mean that t-test (6,889) > t-table (2,120) at the level significant 5% and 2,921 at the level significance 1%. So, KWL strategy has the positive effect to reading comprehension at the tenth grade of SMA Mardi Utomo and this strategy helps students to solve their problem in reading comprehension.





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Vol. 03 No. 03 Tahun 2019

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