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Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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This research focused on the teaching speaking by using circumlocution strategy applied by the English teacher. Speaking is one of important skill to make the students interact with another. Circumlocution strategy is one of interesting strategy to help the students feel confident to speak when they lack of vocabulary. The present research is to describe about types of circumlocution strategy in teaching speaking applied by the English teacher of eleventh grade students at SMAN 1 Grogol. Furthermore, by knowing the types of circumlocution strategy in teaching speaking it can make students communicate well. The research aims to answer the research problem about : what are types of circumlocution strategy in teaching speaking applied by the English teacher of eleventh grade students at SMAN 1 Grogol in academic year 2017/2018?. This research used qualitative research as the method of the research. The subject of this research was the English teacher who taught speaking of eleventh grade students in XII-MIA 2 class at SMAN 1 Grogol. The technique of collecting data were interview, documentation, and observation. Also technique of analyzing data were data collection, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification.The result of this research, the researcher found four types of circumlocution strategy in teaching speaking applied by the English teacher of eleventh grade students such as : paraphrase over name, ambiguity, equivocation, and grammar. The researcher found this types of circumlocution strategy in process of teaching speaking in XI-MIA 2 class. As the conclusion, the researcher would recommend the teacher to more clear and use mix language to give instruction to the students in order to they catch instruction from the teacher clearly. It would also recommend to the students to more focus and confident during teaching learning process also learn more to speak English. Furthermore, between the teacher and the students had a good interaction so the teaching learning process was generally run well.


Key Words : Teaching speaking, Circumlocution Strategy.






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Vol. 02 No. 05 Tahun 2018

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