The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy to the Students' Writing Ability in Descriptive Text At SMPN 2 Gurah Kediri Academic Year 2015/2016

Author (Penulis)

Ahmad Fahmi
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


Writing is products of thinking, drafting, and revising that require specialized skills on how to generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, Writing is a skill that must be mastered in learning English. But, there are some problems appear when teaching writing and learning process, such as the students do not know how to explore their ideas, have lack of vocabulary and do not know about the structure and difficult in arrange the ideas in to sentences. Then the alternative Strategy can be use by the teacher is Think-Talk-Write (TTW) strategy to solve the problems. This research is about the effect of using TTW on students’ writing ability in descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Gurah Academic year 2015/2016. This research aims at investigating the effect of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) strategy in students’ writing ability in descriptive text at SMPN 2 Gurah Kediri academic year 2015-2016.This research uses quantitative method especially uses pre-experimental design, then the design of pre-experimental is one group pre-test – post-test design. And the sample is a class of VII F consist of 35 students. The data analysis uses t- test computation. The result of the research shows that the mean of pre- test is 64 and the mean of post- test is 80 . Based on the t- computation it is found that the t-table is ( 2,457) in the level of significance 1 % and t- test (7,33). The Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the Artelnative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Based on the result of t-test, it can be concluded that there is very signinificance effect of Think-Talk-Write (TTW) Strategy to the Students’ Writing in Descriptive Text At SMPN 2 Gurah Kediri Academic Year 2015/2016. Finally, the researcher concludes that : (1) TTW helps students to improve their achievement in writing ability. (2) TTW is proved to give a very significant effect on the students’ writing ability. So it is suggested that English teacher should use TTW as strategy in teaching writing to improve students achievement, and also the teachers should make the students more active, motivated and can easily accept the materies . For other researchers, they are expected to be able to excavate deeply about the useful of strategy in teaching and learning English especially using TTW. Keywords: Writing ability, Think-Talk-Write (TTW).











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