The Impact of Giving Feedback on the Students' Writing of Tenth Grade at SMK NEGERI 1 NGASEM in the Academic Year 2016/2017

Author (Penulis)

Candra Laksana
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT Writing is as important as other skills such as listening, speaking, and reading. It needs more special attention since writing is productive skill which doesn’t come naturally or automatically, but through much effort, training, instruction, practice and need continuous feedback. This study intends to investigate the types and techniques of written feedback which are used in teaching writing and to find out whether there is an impact of giving feedback to the students in students writing or not. In accordance with the aims above, an experiment-quantitative was implemented. The subjects of this research were the tenth grade students at SMKN 1 Ngasem who got the activity of getting feedback in teaching writing recount text. Two classes that consist of 70 students had been chosen. The data was gathered using three instruments; pre-test, treatment and post-test .The study found that there was significant result between experiment and control class. The class that given treatments both orally and written feedback has higher score than control class. It proof by the result of maximum score in experiment and control class. According to the finding, it can be identified that the students can receive the researcher feedback after pre-test and applied it to their post-test. Due to these findings, the writer gives recommendation to the students that they have to accustom their self to read the teacher written feedback and as soon as they revise the writing project after the teacher gave them feedback orally or written. The teacher should the researcher suggests the teacher to make a deal or agreement in the class. So the students will more understand about the feedback, it can make time shorter and to minimalize the timing also. Keywords: Writing, Written Feedback, and Recount Text.











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