The Impact of RoundTable Technique on The Students Writing Ability in Descriptive text at The Eight Grade of SMPN 2 Papar in Academic Year of 2016/2017

Author (Penulis)

Ahmad Lu'ay
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT Writing is one of the four English skills. It involves communicating with others. In teaching writing, we can use technique to improve students’ writing ability. Roundtable Technique can be an appropriate source to be used in teaching writing especially descriptive text. The objectives of this research are to know the students’ writing descriptive text ability before being taught using roundtable technique, to know the students’ writing descriptive text ability after being taught using roundtable technique, to find out wheter there is any impact of using roundtable technique to students’ writing descriptive text ability. This research used quantitative research. The participants of the study were eight grade students of SMPN 2 PAPAR. It consisted of 26 students. The SPSS data in the research showed the means of before treatment is 58,46, while the means of after treatment is 71,54. From this result the researcher found that the t-test is higher than t-table (11,029 > 2,060) and P value t-test is lower than level of significance of 5% (0.000 < 0,05 It means that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It can be conclude that teaching writing by using roundtable technique gives significant impact on students’ writing ability. This result hopefully can help the teacher to find another teaching technique for writing descriptive text so it can improved students’ writing ability. Keywords : Writing, Teaching Writing, Roundtable Technique.











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