The effect of film on the students' speaking ability at the tenth grade of SMKN 1 Ngasem in Academic Year 2016/2017

Author (Penulis)

Bagus Santuso
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT Speaking is one difficult part in language teaching and learning. Speaking is also the most important skill that should be mastered by student to communicate with others. As a skill, speaking is the most used skill of the other skills, but students faced difficulties in speaking, such as: good pronunciation, grammar vocabulary, and fluency. In regard to the Speaking is one difficult part in language teaching and learning, then the researcher used film to find the effect of film in language teaching and learning by the problem of the research is “Is there any effect of film as media on the student’ speaking ability at the tenth grade of SMKN 1 Ngasem in academic year 2015/2016.?” The research used quantitative approach and experimental design was used. The research was conducted at SMKN 1 Ngasem Kediri. The subjects of this research were the tenth grade students, especially X JB 1( JasaBoga 1) one class consist of 38 students .The student were given pre-test, post-test and two meeting of treatment to know the effect of film as media on the student’ speaking ability. Score of pre-test is 1287.5 and post-test is 1480. In analysed t-test, t-score is higher than t-table. The score of ttest was 3.660 at the degree of freedom 37 and t-table is 2.026 at the level of significance of 5% (0.05). The study found that according to the research finding as explained before, the writer concludes that there is effect film on the students’ speaking ability of tenth grade at SMKN 1 Ngasem, because the score of post-test in experiment class is higher than post-test. The researcher concludes that using film for teaching speaking is effective in increasing speaking ability. The researcher suggests to the teachers, teachers must pay close attention to the duration of film. Better teacher choose the film that don’t have long duration, teacher must be able to make situation of class conducive when the film playing. Keywords: Teaching Speaking, Film











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