The Effect of Reciprocal Technique to Students’ Reading Comprehension to the Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 5 Kediri in Academic Year 2016/2017.

Author (Penulis)

Rovika Riskiani
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


Abstract The objective of this research was investigating whether Reciprocal Technique significantly effective to the students’ reading comprehension. This research was conducted by using quantitative research method, and experiment design was carried out in implementation of the method. The sample of this research was the ninth grade students of SMPN 5 Kediri which consisted of 32 students. Then, to measure students’ reading comprehension before and after being taught using Reciprocal Technique, the researcher used reading comprehension tests as the instruments for collecting data. The test consisted of 15 questions which were divided into 2 parts. 10 question of essay and 5 question True False statement. The technique of data analysis which used was using T-test. Based on the analysis, the students’ reading comprehension after being taught using reciprocal technique was getting better. It was showed by the mean score of post test 62,3216 was higher than pre-test 50,0003. In addition, the result of t-score (6,996) was also higher than t-table in the level of significance 5% (2,040) and P value t-test is lower than the level of significance of 5% (0,000 < 0,05). It can be concluded that there was significant effect of reciprocal technique on students’ reading comprehension. This technique made the teaching learning process became easier for students in overcoming their difficulties in comprehending a text. Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Reciprocal Technique











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