Teaching Speaking at Neptune Hotel School in the Academic Year 2016/2017

Author (Penulis)

Pretty Lady Achenu
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Abstract PRETTY LADY ACHENU.Teaching Speaking at Neptune Hotel School in the Academic Year 2016/2017, Skripsi, English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, 2017. Speaking is a productive skill, it involves putting a message together, communicating the message, and interacting with people. Everybody has speaking problems but they aren’t found in Neptune because students’ speaking is supported by facilitation in Neptune such as public speaking center. Therefore, Neptune students got good score and many of them get a job in abroad. This study describes the process of teaching and learning English speaking of the Neptune covering preparation, teaching learning process, and evaluation. The teacher used practice and drilling in her teaching speaking. The approach applied in this research is qualitative approach, and the instrument used is interview, observation, and documentation. This research was held in Neptune Kediri “the international hotel and cruise ship apprenticeship program”. The researcher took one class as the sample consisting of 22 students of 13 males and 9 females. The instrument used to get the data was interview, observation, and documentation. The research finding shows that the teacher prepared well for teaching learning process including lesson plan, handout, students’ worksheet, technique, media, and evaluation. The handout consists of sentence, Question Words (QW), and daily activity conversation. She used discussion and role play technique, and power point as teaching media. It can be concluded that the teacher used preparation well, some techniques, and evaluation in post teaching. Furthermore, the teacher is suggested to use interactive techniques and role play video. After that, the researcher suggested the institution to improve the facilities and educational management. Keyword: teaching speaking, speaking.











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