the effect of STAD in reading comprehension to the seventh grade of junior high school

Author (Penulis)

Siti Nafi'ah
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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SITI NAFIAH: The Effect of STAD (Student’s Team Achievement Division) on Reading Comprehension to the Seventh Grade of junior high school 2 pace Academic year 2015/2016, Skripsi, English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, 2017. Reading is one of important skills. The aim of reading is to search an information of the text.. The students cannot achieve their academic success without reading. In fact, the junior high school students are still low achievement of reading comprehension. Most of students can read, but they can’t find the information of the text, Such as main idea, specific information,etc. This problem can be caused by some factors, such as the students feel not motivated with the teacher’s method of teaching. To help the students get the better in reading comprehension, the researcher wants to introduce STAD (Students Team Aachievement Division) that can be used in teachingreading comprehension especially in descriptive text. The goal of this research are to know the effect of STAD (Students Team Aachievement Division) before and after being taught using STAD (Students Team Aachievement Division), and to find out any effect of STAD (Students Team Aachievement Division) on reading comprehension This research approach is quantitative research and the research method is pre experimental design, namely the one-group pre-test post-test design. The subject of the research is the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Pace in academic year 2015/2016. The sample of the research is class VII- B consisting of 31 students. This research is held in three meetings involved pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The researcher used test as the instrument to collect the data. The research is carried out from August 2016 up to January 2017. The data, are analyzed manually to know the effect of STAD in Reading Comprehension. The result shows that the students’ reading comprehension increased after being taught using STAD. It was proven by the mean score (88,7) after being taught using STAD was higher than the mean score (48,7) before being taught using STAD. The result reports that the t-score was higher than t-table (5,58> 2.457) which means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. From the finding above, it can be concluded that STAD (Students Team Aachievement Division) has positive/significant effect on students’ reading comprehension because they become interesting and easy to find the content of the text. The researcher suggests that the English teacher should teach the students using STAD (Students Team Achievement Division). Key words: Reading, Reading Comprehension, STAD











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