The Effectivenes of Numbered Heads Together to Seventh Grade Students' Reading Comprehension at MTS Sunan Ampel Plosoklaten Kediri in the Academic Year 2015/2016

Author (Penulis)

Avrodita Damayanti
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT Reading is one of four basic skills that should be mastered by students. To be successful readers, the students should comprehend the text they read very well. Therefore, reading comprehension is needed by the students. But the fact shows that most of the students have difficulties in comprehending reading material. To help students have better reading comprehension, Numbered Head Together technique can be used. The aim of this research are to find out whether numbered heads together technique effective to the students’ reading comprehension, and to find out the students’ response when numbered heads together technique is applied. This research design is quantitative experimental. The population of the study was seventh grade students of MTS Sunan Ampel Plosoklaten Kediri. The sample was class VIIB consisted of 32 students. Data is collected by test and questionnaire. The result was analyzed by using t-test. The mean of post-test (79.53) was higher than the mean of pre-test (66.43). It means that students’ reading comprehension after being taught using NHT was increased. In addition, the result reports that t-score (12.97) was higher than t-table 1% (2.462). In conclusion, there was a significant effect of NHT on students’ reading comprehension. Based on the result above the writer concluded that Numbered Heads Together is suitable for students’ reading comprehension, Key Words : Reading comprehension, Numbered heads together











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