The Effectiveness of Jigsaw To The Eleventh Grade Students' Reading Comprehension At SMAN 1 Kandangan Kediri in The Academic Year 2015/2016

Author (Penulis)

Kholifatu Alfiyah
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


ABSTRACT Reading is one of four skills which should be mastered by Senior High School students. By reading, the students can get knowledge and information from the text. In order to get information well, the students should be able to comprehend the text. However, in fact students often get some difficulties when comprehending the text. Therefore, the teacher should use the appropriate technique in teaching reading to assist the students to solve the problems in teaching learning reading. To help the students, jigsaw can be used in teaching reading. The purpose of this research is to find out whether jigsaw is effective in teaching reading and to find out the students’ response when jigsaw is applied on teaching reading of the eleventh grade students at SMAN 1 Kandangan Kediri in the academic year 2015/2016. This research used quantitative experimental research. The sample is class XI IIS 4 consisting of 31 students. Data is collected by reading test and questionnaire. The tests conducted in two parts, pre-test and post-test. Jigsaw is effective to be used in teaching reading especially in the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Kandangan Kediri in the academic year 2015/2016. It is proved by the result of t?score (13.39) that is higher than t-table in the level of significance 1 % (2.467). Beside that, the result of questionnaire proved that almost all of the students agreed that jigsaw is effective to used in teaching learning reading. Based on the analyzed data, the researcher concluded that there was a very significant effect of jigsaw to the eleventh grade students’ reading comprehension of SMAN 1 Kandangan Kediri in the academic year 2015/2016 Key Words: Reading Comprehension, Jigsaw.











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