The Effect of Small Group Techniqueto the Student Speaking Ability at Second Grade SMP Negeri 2 PaparAcademic Year 2013/2014.

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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ABSTRACT PUTRI AMALIA NAFISAH. The Effect of Small Group Techniqueto the Student Speaking Ability at Second Grade SMP Negeri 2 PaparAcademic Year 2013/2014. English Department. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. Key word: Speaking, Small Group Speaking skills also gives the special instruction in spelling, handwriting, and key boarding. Beside that, speaking skills can build the confidence for students and provide the variety of strategy and opportunity to apply it.In speaking skills, the students areexpected to make they can speak and express their idea orally.Student have to ventured to speak even if they made a mistake.Speaking is the ability to utter sounds of articulations or words to express idea, opinion, and feeling.The research is aimed to To investigate whether there is any effect of small group technique to the students speaking ability at second grade SMP NEGERI PAPAR 2 or not. The research approach that is used in this study is quantitative. This method has been for used many years ago. The sampling technique which usually used in this approach is clustering sampling, the data collected by using research instrument, and it uses statistical analysis. It means the result of the study is presented by numericaland statistic analysis.This study uses pre-experimental design.And the researcher uses One-group Pretest-Posttest design because researcher feels that the research is relevant with this design. And the research is suitable with this strategy that uses Pretest, Treatment and Posttest. From the data analysis being mentioned in Chapter IV the writer concludes that mind mapping strategy is effective to be used to teach writing. It is proven by the result of t-score ( 12.05 ) is higher than t-table in the level of significance 1% ( 2.763 ) . Besides, students writing ability also increased after being taught using mind mapping strategy. It is proven by the mean of post-test ( 43.06 ) is higher than the mean of pre-test ( 24.72 ) . It means that there is effectiveness of small group techniqueon the students speaking ability, thus this strategy should be applied in teaching speakingor other skill. Thus, the students will be more active in speaking and they can express their idea bravely. From this research, the researcher can conclude that small group technique is very helpful in teaching speaking and it can increase the students speaking ability. Based on the conclusion above, the writer suggests: The English teacher should use small group technique in teaching speaking since it can give students chance to be more active and brave to express their idea in teaching and learning process.The other researchers are expected to be able to conduct a better research about small group to find out the effectiveness of small group technique in teaching speaking in other kind of genre text.











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