The Effect of Inquiry Chart (I-Chart) Toward The Tenth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension at SMA Negeri 7 Kediri in Academic Year 2014 / 2015

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


Reading is one of the four skills that must be taught in teaching English at Senior High School. Reading is a kind of activity to comprehend the writer’s ideas or the way the writer communicates with the readers by way of the written or printed words. In real class, there are many problems faced by the students in mastering the indicators of reading. Some English teachers still use traditional strategy to teach reading. Traditional strategy usually makes the students bored because the method is monotonous and the students are not active. In this thesis, the writer wants to introduce the strategy named Inquiry chart to make students’ reading comprehension can be better. The problem of the research is: Is there any significant effect of Inquiry Chart (I-Chart) toward the tenth grade students’ reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 7 Kediri in academic year 2014/2015? This research uses quantitative and the design is pre-experimental design. The writer used one class which consist of 25 students. The research was done in twice meetings. The data are collected using pre-test and post-test and t-test is applied to analyze the data. The result shows that t-observed was 9,23 at the degree of freedom of 24, t-table was 2,064 at the level of significance of 5%. So, it means that t-obeserved (9,23) > t –tabel at the level of significance of 5 %. So, the Nul hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In addition, Inquiry chart strategy is very significant for the students of SMAN 7 Kediri. such as: he can understand the text, improve the vocabulary, find the characteristic of news item text, identify the main idea and topic of a text, identify the detail information of a text, they are also more active in learning English especially in reading lesson and make a conducive class in teaching and learning process. Finally, the writer concludes that Inquiry chart strategy gives a better result in reading comprehension. Writer recommends Inquiry chart used in teaching reading comprehension. This strategy can help the students to cope their problem and increase their students’ reading comprension. Kata Kunci Reading, Reading Comprehension, Inquiry Chart.











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