Improving theTenthGrade Students Speaking Ability Using Realia ( A Class Action Researchat SMK PGRI 3 Kediri in Academic Year 2014/2015)

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Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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ABSTRACT MEDIA ROSALINA SP, theTenthGrade Students Speaking Ability Using Realia ( A Class Action Researchat SMK PGRI 3 Kediri in Academic Year 2014/2015) . Skripsi, English Department, The Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation, Universityof Nusantara PGRI Kediri 2015. Key Words:Speaking ability, Realia Many students think that speaking is difficult lesson. However,most of them are not interested in speaking lesson because they afraid to make a mistake in pronunciation, they do not know the word what they will say in English. So the teacher should be able to make them interested in English lesson especially in speaking ability. The objectives of this research are to describe speaking process using realia in the classroom. Realia can improve the students speaking ability of tenth grade students and explain the result of extend to improve the speaking ability and the result of studentsresponse when realia applied to teach the tenth grade students speaking ability at SMK PGRI3 Kediri in academic year 2014/2015. The classroom action research is applied in the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 3 Kediri to solve the problem faced by the students during teaching learning process. It aims to increase the students speaking ability in learning English. The model that is used in this classroom action research by kemmis and Taggart that is declared by Uno involved four step namely; planning, implementing, observing, reflecting. The process of this research was conducted 2 cycles. The data were collected by using observation guide in order to know the events in the classroom during teaching learning process. Besides that, she also used test to get the students score and using questionnaire in the last meeting to know the students response. The researcher used simple of realia. Because the material that was taught by the teacher is describing people especially in physical appearance so she used the students as realia. The result of research is successful it can be seen from the result of students average good responses by students. The result after getting all of the treatment using realia. Before getting the treatment students average score was 53.3, and after giving treatment was 74.8, so it increased 21.5.And the result of questioner showed that 82% students give positive response. By doing this research it can be concluded realia is suitable for vocational high school students. Besides, it is suggested to the other English teachers to use realia as an alternative strategy in teaching speaking if they face same problem.











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