The Analysis of Teacher’s Strategy in Teaching Grammar at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri in Academic Year 2016/2017

Author (Penulis)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Author Identity (NPM)


Grammar is one of important elements in studying English beside vocabulary. Without good grammatical mastery, the students cannot use English communicatively. The English teacher should provide material which is suitable with the students’ condition and should use interesting strategy to improve students enthusiastic in learning English. This study aimed to describe the implementation of teaching grammar to the eleventh grade students which covers the material used, the technique of the teaching grammar, the assessment used. This research design is descriptive qualitative which focus on the English teacher’s activities during teaching learning process. The data were gotten from observation, interview the teacher, and documentation. The materials that the teacher taught were simple past, conjunctions, and kinds of verbs. The material taken from internet and the teacher added the material by giving students’ worksheet. The results of the research show that in teaching grammar, the teacher uses Grammar Translation Method. There were some kinds of assessment that the teacher used. In evaluating the students’ understanding, she used kinds of tasks; filling the missing words with suitable verbs form in simple past, filling the missing words with suitable conjunctions, and identifying language features of a text. The using of the method and media made the students did not focus in teaching and learning activity, so the teacher should try other method in teaching grammar.











Vol. 01 No. 09 Tahun 2017

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