Author (Penulis)

Agung Yuwoko
Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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ABSTRACT AGUNG YUWOKO. The Communication Strategy Applied by A College Student in Speaking Class at University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri in Academic Year 2015/ 2016. English Education Department. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. Key word: Communication Strategies, Speaking. There are many ways to get success in learning English especially speaking skill. One of the ways is the application of communication strategies. Communication strategies are ways that can be used to support and enhance students capabilities during speaking. This research focuses on the communication strategies applied by a college student in speaking. There are two formulations of the problems that the writer hold. The formulations of the problems are (1) What communication strategies are applied by a learner in using English in speaking class? (2) How does the learner implement the strategies in communication in speaking class? The purposes of conducting this research are to identify the type of communication strategies applied by the learner and how to implement the communication strategies during communication in a speaking class. In holding this research, the researcher adopted descriptive qualitative research and the design was case study. The researcher observed one of college students in University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri. By using case study, it applies multiple methods there were observation, interviews and documentation. After all the data gained, then the researcher classified and the results of this research were concluded and presented in the form of a description in discussion part. The research result data showed that the learner had better achievement than others by applying two types of communication strategy. From the avoidance strategy, the learner applied Message Abandonment in some speaking occasions during the interview and documentation. While, most of compensatory strategy are used during speaking such as Approximation, Use of all-purpose words, Prefabricated Patterns, Nonlinguistic Signals, Literal translation, Code-switching, Appeal for help, and Stalling or time-gaining strategies. The learner did not use all of the communication strategies in every conversation, the types of compensatory strategy that always be used by the learner during the conversation with the interlocutor is code-switching. By using those communication strategies, the learner can speak English fluently as if there is no problem, so it means he is able to choose appropriate strategy to overcome the problem during speaking. Based on the conclusion, the writer suggests that by applying more kinds of communication strategies, it can help the students in communication and conversation run smoothly, actively, and clearly with others, and also can develop their speaking ability. For the other researcher, different people have different way to use kinds of communication strategies. The researcher suggests the other researcher to do the research with the same title, but different research design.











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